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Elle transforme de simples petites pierres rondes en mandalas hypnotisants !

Publié par Elsa Fanjul le 17 Avr 2016 à 11:03

En utilisant la technique du pointillisme, l’artiste Elspeth McLean transforme d’incroyables petites pierres rondes en mandala hypnotiques et fascinants…

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Elle sélectionne avec soin les pierres les plus lisses et les plus rondes pour un rendu parfait ! Ses créations sont apaisantes et très décoratives ! On adore ! Et vous, vous aimez ?

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My mom-in-law looked at my most recent collection of stones and got so excited « they make me feel all sparkly! » She said « they are so effervescent! » It was such a sweet moment. ? peace and sparkles everyone ?

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 22 Mars 2016 à 21h00 PDT

« What’s taking me so long with the mandala stones? » You may ask… These are individual works of art that I dedicate a lot of time, love and energy into. I also have lots of other painting commitments over the summer which are coming to a close soon. Finally, I’m trying to build a big collection of the stones so I can create some lovely photographic pieces of them- not everyone who wants a stone will be able to get one/afford one- they are limited in numbers and are priced accordingly. I want to create other fun, affordable and functional ways to enjoy these creations. I will be announcing very soon as to what day the actual stones will be for sale on etsy again- it will be sometime next week so stay tuned! Blessings and thank you for your understanding and patience ? #mandalastones #elspethmclean #dotillism

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 23 Juil. 2015 à 9h43 PDT

A goal for this year- to create more constellation stones. Star gazing is one of my earliest memories. I’ve spent many treasured moments with the Stars. The night sky has a very nostalgic feeling for me that I think many people can relate to, which is a big reason I love painting these little treasures. ?

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 5 Janv. 2016 à 15h00 PST

What’s on my studio table now? These and more! ? next mandala stone update on my Etsy page Thursday the 10th March 1-3pm PST (pacific standard time) link to shop in my profile ☺️

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 7 Mars 2016 à 20h42 PST

From my heart to yours, love Elspeth ?

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 6 Févr. 2016 à 15h22 PST

Rain, fog and a high of 12C makes a pretty miserable summers day outside here in New Zealand but it’s perfect for me to stay in all cozy and dot away. All mandala stone info and dates here- http://www.elspethmclean.com/#!mandala-stones/c3u4 ?

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 2 Janv. 2016 à 21h27 PST

Here in New Zealand it is New Years Eve. Only half an hour left of 2015- wow- what a year! It’s been the biggest year yet for me in so many ways. Thank you everyone for joining me on my artistic endeavours. I create my art to share with others and to bring colour/life/happiness and joy to the world. I never dreamed my art would reach the magnitude of people it did this year. It has been humbling, exciting and also super scary and very hard at times too. In hindsight and in my heart, I know I did my best with what life presented me with. 2016 is already shaping up to be an amazing year. I’ve got so many wonderful projects I can’t wait to share with you all! It’s going to be another full, colourful, creative and adventurous year. I truly wish everyone the best and for an awesome New Year! ? Peace

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 31 Déc. 2015 à 2h39 PST

Finishing details ? more stones will drop into my etsy shop in a few hours ☺️ link in my profile

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 20 Mars 2015 à 10h43 PDT

Oh my!! These stones are all sold but had to share this amazing collection before they are packed up and sent off today ? next etsy shop update Wednesday 10am NZ time

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 8 Févr. 2015 à 17h17 PST

Mandala stones visit where they were found #dotillism #elspethmclean #mandala #rockart

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 29 Janv. 2015 à 15h50 PST

Being on the road is great, but I sure do miss painting! #painting #mandala #paintedstones #elspethmclean

Une photo publiée par Elspeth McLean (@elspethmclean) le 3 Déc. 2013 à 12h55 PST

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