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Avec cette photo, cette blogueuse a cassé les préjugés sur le poids des femmes ! BRAVO !

Publié par Elsa Fanjul le 27 Juil 2016 à 17:03

Kelsey Wells est une blogueuse américaine qui a monté le site My Sweat Life ! Très influente sur les réseaux sociaux, elle a publié une photo qui va faire réagir pas mal de femmes et leur faire prendre conscience de pas mal de choses sur leur corps et la vision qu’elles en ont !

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Après sa grossesse, Kelsey a voulu retrouver une silhouette plus athlétique et a suivi le programme « Bikini Body Guide » de Kayla Itsines. Rien de magique : du sport + une alimentation équilibrée… deux éléments qui devraient être capables de mettre fin à pas mal de polémiques puisque pour toute personne en bonne santé, c’est la seule façon de mincir durablement..bref !

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Et Kelsey a publié une photo très intéressante… elle nous montre sa silhouette et nous indique le poids correspondant… Ah mais… on ne vous a pas dit que le muscle pèse plus lourd que la graisse ? Et que la graisse est plus volumineuse que le muscle ? Et bien voilà…tout est dit… Vous peser tous les jours et paniquer au moindre gramme pris ne sert à rien ! Si vous faites du sport, votre graisse se transforme en muscle —-> donc pèse plus lourd —> mais vous vous affinez !


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A gauche, Jelsey pèse 66 kilos au milieu 53 kilos et à droite 63,5 kilos ! Incroyable n’est-ce pas ? La jeune femme insiste sur le fait qu’il faut avant tout se sentir bien dans sa tête et dans son corps…c’est le principal !


« J’ai commencé à mesurer mon progrès avec des choses qui comptent vraiment, comme la force, l’endurance, la santé, ou encore le bonheur. C’est la première fois de ma vie que j’ai autant de muscle et si peu de graisse. Mon corps n’a jamais été aussi sain que maintenant. Et si je n’avais pas abandonné ma balance et arrêter de me peser, je n’en serai sûrement pas là »

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Arrêtez de vous focaliser sur le chiffre qu’il y a sur la balance ! Écoutez votre corps, faites attention à vous et aux sensations… Soyez heureux !

SCREW THE SCALE || I figured it was time for a friendly, yet firm reminder.? YOU GUYS. PLEASEEEEEE STOP GETTING HUNG UP ON THE NUMBER ON THE STUPUD SCALE! PLEASE STOP THINKING YOUR WEIGHT EQUALS YOUR PROGRESS AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING PLEASE STOP LETTING YOR WEIGHT HAVE ANY AFFECT WHATSOEVER ON YOUR SELF ESTEEM, like I used to. To any of you who are where I once was, please listen to me. I am 5′ 7″ and weigh 140 lbs. When I first started #bbg I was 8 weeks post partum and 145 lbs. I weighed 130 before getting pregnant, so based on nothing besides my own warped perception, I decided my « goal weight » should be 122 and to fit into my skinniest jeans. Well after a few months of BBG and breastfeeding, I HIT IT and I fit into those size 0 jeans. Well guess what? I HAVE GAINED 18 POUNDS SINCE THEN. EIGHT FREAKING TEEN. Also, I have gone up two pant sizes and as a matter of fact I ripped those skinny jeans wide open just the other week trying to pull them up over my knees.? My point?? According to my old self and flawed standards, I would be failing miserably. THANK GOODNESS I finally learned to start measuring my progress by things that matter — strength, ability, endurance, health, and HAPPINESS. Take progress photos and videos. Record how many push-ups you can do, ect. And if you can, your BFP — there is only a 5 lb difference between my starting and current weight, but my body composition has changed COMPLETELY. I have never had more muscle and less body fat than I do now. I have never been healthier than I am now. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am now. And if I didn’t say #screwthescale long ago, I would have gave up on my journey. So to the little teeny tiny voice in the back of my head that still said « ?wtf is this- not 140!??? » last week when I stepped on the scale, I say SCREW. YOU. And I think you should probably say the same to your scale too. #byefelicia ???⚖ . . #bbgprogress #transformationtuesday #fit #fitness #workout #fitmom #fitchick #fitfam #fitnesstransformation #beforeandafter #sweat #mysweatlife #girlswithmuscle #girlgains #strongnotskinny

Une photo publiée par K E L S E Y W E L L S (@mysweatlife) le 26 Juil. 2016 à 8h55 PDT

8 WKS POST BABY to 84 WKS BBG || You guys!! Seriously thank you SO MUCH for your kindness and love on my last post- sharing transformation photos is always a bit nerve wracking and your support blows me away.?? || Anyway, here is the back side!? ALSO, I am reading all your questions and messages and plan to answer as many as I can in my posts throughout this week! || HAPPY MONDAY FITFAM! WHO’S READY TO SLAY!????⚡️ . . . . . #bbgbabes #bbgmoms #bbgmums #bbglife #bbgfam #bbgcommunity #bbggirls #bbg #sweat #sweatwithkayla #mysweatlife #getoutandsweat #bbgprogress #motivationmonday #fitnesstransformation #beforeandafter #postbabybody #mombod #fit #fitness #fitchick #fitmom #fitspo #fitspiration #workout #girlswithmuscle #healthy #happy #fitfam

Une photo publiée par K E L S E Y W E L L S (@mysweatlife) le 18 Juil. 2016 à 7h32 PDT

8 WKS POST-BABY to 84 WKS OF BBG || Of the million things running through my mind that I want to share with you guys about my #bbgprogress and what I have learned since beginning @kayla_itsines program, most important is first and foremost that I am HEALTHIER and HAPPIER than I ever have been. I am kinder to myself. I am confident in myself. Not just in my ability to jump on a box or do commandos, but in WHO I AM. As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, friend and in being unapologetically my imperfect SELF. Through #BBG I found my passion for fitness and healthy living and it is truly a journey of growing mentally and emotionally as well as physically. I AM BETTER THAN NO ONE. No one is better than anyone. We are each 100% one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable. We each have our own struggles, strengths, and stories. And we EACH deserve to be happy, healthy, and BELIEVE IN OURSELVES. || I’m so thankful for my (continuing) #bbgtransformation and all that has come along with striving to live a healthier lifestyle. And you guys!!! As cheesy as it sounds, it is LITERALLY SO TRUE so imma say it anyway — if I can do it, SO CAN YOU. || ??? . . . . . #mysweatlife #getoutandsweat #happy #healthy #fitmom #sweat #sweatwithkayla #fit #fitness #fitchick #fitnesstransformation #beforeandafter #fitfam #workout #girlswithmuscle #girlgains #bbgfam #bbglife #bbgmums #bbgmoms #bbgbabes

Une photo publiée par K E L S E Y W E L L S (@mysweatlife) le 17 Juil. 2016 à 12h56 PDT

« DO YOU REALLY ONLY DO BBG?? » I blogged about this awhile back, but since it has come up a lot recently I put the direct link to the post in my profile for all who have asked!? || I have been doing @kayla_itsines #bbg program (cause it’s bae????) for over 80 weeks now, however I wanted to post this old transformation photo to remind you that it doesn’t take 80 weeks to see change. Don’t get me wrong, REAL physical progress is slow and steady, and different for everyone. I don’t want you to compare your progress to mine, but rather encourage those just starting out to stick with it. I always emphasize that healthy living and happiness should be the main goal and priority, but I also don’t want anyone to feel discouraged or feel that physical progress is impossible. If you are doing the program and eating clean, progress IS happening, even though you can’t see it day to day. So chin up! Keep slaying! You got this.???? || On a completely different note, I ate two donuts today.? It’s holiday weekend for us and food is like my fave way to celebrate. Find your balance and enjoy life!!??? . . . . . . #fitness #fitfam #fitchick #fitnesstransformation #workout #fitmom #fitspo #bbgbabes #bbgprogress #bbggirls #bbgsisters #bbgfam #bbgmums #bbgmoms #bbgfam

Une photo publiée par K E L S E Y W E L L S (@mysweatlife) le 3 Juil. 2016 à 19h23 PDT

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