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Pour motiver sa cliente dans sa perte de poids, ce coach sportif n’a pas hésité à prendre 30 kilos pour les perdre avec elle !

Publié par Elsa Fanjul le 03 Jan 2017 à 14:48

Adonis Hill, un coach sportif pas comme les autres…

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Et vraiment pas comme les autres ! D’ailleurs, avez-vous remarqué que les coach sportifs aussi doués soient-ils, ont tendance à nous complexer ? Et bien oui… On va les voir pour se sculpter un corps de rêve et eux ont déjà un corps de rêve… Alors cela peut avoir deux effets : nous motiver ou bien nous miner le moral.

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Alors pour aider sa cliente dans sa perte de poids, ce coach sportif a fait quelque chose d’incroyable ! Adonis Hill a voulu accompagner Alissa dans sa perte de poids. Mais vraiment l’accompagner. D’ailleurs, la jeune femme était à deux doigts de jeter l’éponge. Alors il a décidé de prendre 30 kilos et de les perdre avec elle. Ainsi, ils avaient le même objectif et ce n’était pas à Alissa d’atteindre les objectifs d’Adonis.


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Un challenge !


En voyant ce qu’Adonis avait fait pour elle, elle a été vraiment touchée… Il a arrêté le sport et a ingurgité jusqu’à 6000 calories par jour. Puis il s’est présenté à Alissa et lui a dit que ses kilos, ils allaient les perdre ensemble ! La jeune femme a été bouleversée par l’implication de son coach qui était allé jusqu’à mettre sa santé en péril pour l’aider !

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Et ces kilos, ils les ont perdu ensemble… En un an, ils ont quasiment tout perdu… ENSEMBLE !

#FITtoFATtoFIT & Then this happened! Day 240 of 240. Alissa felt so bad for me. She cried!!!! And if anyone knows A-money, you know she is as tough as a 2-dollar steak. Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place. -Daniel H. Pink #SheEmpathizedWithMe #iEmpathizedWithHer #WeAreALLinThis2gether #RespectTheProcess #ItsYouVsYou #AdonisHill #GodisPOPPIN YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit on @AEtv .. episode airs next week Tuesday 2/2/16 at 10/9c. PLEASE set your DVRs family … Thank you! #aetv

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 28 Janv. 2016 à 12h15 PST

#FlashBackFitToFatToFitFriday @alissabethkane People ask me .. What’s your style of training? I say Its simple…. I do high volumes of COMPASSION. #HeartHealth Being compassionate involves understanding the suffering of another without feeling sorrow or pity. When there are these emotions, compassion has turned into personal unhappiness and only adds to suffering. Feeling the emotional pain of another doesn’t relieve their suffering. In actuality it adds to the collective field of unconsciousness creating suffering. If someone is suffering from hunger then it is more appropriate to provide nourishing food. If they are thirsty, provide them something to drink. If someone is in emotional pain bring your love and unconditional acceptance. It would not help people for the caretakers to go hungry and thirsty also. Although this is often the approach people take with their empathy or sympathy when people are without love and acceptance. When caretakers have emotional reaction of sadness or sorrow they nourish no one. A compassionate person brings the nourishment of love and acceptance to the situation that is starving for those emotions until someone can feed themselves. Sometimes the best action you can take to help relieve emotional suffering of another is being present with your attention on the person – www.pathwaytohappiness.com #DeeperThenJustWorkingout #FITtoFATtoFIT #iKnowBecauseiBeenThereTWICE #CompassionWINS Now this is what I call ❤️ #HeartHealth #HeartMonth #AmericanHeartMonth #HeartSurgery #GoRedWearRed #AdonisMovesAmerica {— if you find the workouts helpful please show your love my donating to my go fund ……. My walk across America to get people moving ?LINK IN BIO? www.gofundme.com/AdonisMovesAmerica

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 5 Févr. 2016 à 16h14 PST

@Alissabethkane Started at 308lbs. … #bbaResults {– click it! #RespectTheProcess #FITtoFATtoFIT #FitArtIsAboutSculptingTheBodyAkaCanvas Nothing beats the feeling of how proud you feel when your client @alissabethkane sends you them good ‘ol progress fitting room selfies ? FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS, AND THE RESULTS WILL COME To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha DAILY AFFIRMATIONS 1)A fit healthy person lives within me and today that person emerges 2) I cannot lose 100lbs this week but I can lose 3lbs and I AM 3) Today I’m shredding the pounds as I shred my self-doubt 4) I am Healthy, strong, beautiful and I’m doing this because I love MYSELF 5) I will be MY biggest fan 6) Today I will push to my limits so that tomorrow I can push through life! 7) I’m not going to allow haters to stop my my grind. #WeAreALLInThis2gether #AeTv @aetv #GodBless #AdonisMovesAmerica

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 10 Févr. 2016 à 19h52 PST

#bbaResults #tbt #2015 All In One Year from left to right/top to bottom! Wtf was I thinking right? And Why? I’ll tell you Why! Let’s start by saying: « Life is crazy af »! But I can tell you this one thing for sure … An important part of living a happy and fulfilling life includes being part of a close-knit community where you can share, help and support people you care about. It also includes being kind to strangers, and learning to replace envy and anger with understanding and empathy. It’s all about HELPING those in need « BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY » (MX voice) I can’t front …as a trainer it’s easy to get all wrapped up in fixing your own body that you forget about helping others reach their goals. For me, when I say goals … Goals are way past just the physical. And while its important to put yourself first, its even more important to help others whenever you can. Being generous isn’t even always about altruism – becoming more generous and compassionate will have real tangible benefits in your own life. My life is so poppin because I actually give a damn about other people…. I’m telling you it’s a high like no other. You gotta try this approach to life sometime #PuffPuffGive (source: KeepInspiring) #WeAreALLInThis2gether _______________________________________ I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit. -Charles de Lint #ButImGOINGtoChangeYourMindset1st #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining #OnlyALifeLivedForOthersIsALifeWorthwhile YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #AdonisMovesAmerica and then…… #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless FREE WORKOUTS: @flyfituniversity #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app (commercial man voice) lol cc: ?MY CHAMP: @alissabethkane ?

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 18 Févr. 2016 à 17h56 PST

308 lbs vs 251 lbs in 4 months. Happy #MotivationalMonday So proud of you champ (@alissabethkane) for staying focused & Respecting The Process! It’s about losing weight the HEALTHY WAY! #ThisIsJustTheBeginning By @alissabethkane via @RepostWhiz app: It entertains me when people say « she’s still fat » or « she hasn’t lost any weight »…really??? Christmas 2014 -> Christmas 2015. Yes I’m still working on it and yes I still consider myself fat, but come on…I had four months and I lost 57lbs, just shy of 60lbs. No one can lose 120lbs overnight. As Adonis said « this isn’t going to be easy. It’s ok for this to be hard » . I’m going to keep on fighting for my goals cause a pound is a pound no matter how it gets lost, 10lbs at a time. I’m doing this for me and I’m doing this for all the people who had a bad day and are trying to get back on and couldn’t find the energy. I just got home from Cancun and tomorrow is my day, join me! (#RepostWhiz app) You are doing great! You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle. — Shannon L. Alder #EvenJesusHadDoubtersKeepPushing _______________________________ Staying On Track with Your Goals Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress are key to your success. In fact, research has shown that those who keep track of their behaviors are more likely to take off weight and keep it off. A reasonable rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. It’s about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in. Since one pound equals 3,500 calories, you need to reduce your caloric intake by 500—1000 calories per day to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week.May 15, 2015 -cdc.gov YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit #Aetv #AdonisMovesAmerica and then…… YOUR COUNTRY! #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless WE ARE ALL IN THIS 2GETHER!

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 22 Févr. 2016 à 14h19 PST

#Tbt Adonis… WTF? YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING BRO?!! You gained 70 lbs in 4 months, lost your abs and gained man boobs all for someone @alissabethkane you never met? YEP ?! But wait!!!! … Maybe YOU are the crazy one. Let me explain We are far too easily fooled. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mohandas Gandhi You see, many will try to define success, greatness, and happiness in terms of winning out over others, having power over others, and having the ability to dominate others. The lust for power is common and widespread in humans – the power to order others around, the power to make decisions that will impact others, and the power to own when others cannot. Many see the world in the form of a pyramid with the ones on the bottom serving those on the top. And people long for that top spot because the world promises joy to those who sit there. Success, greatness, and happiness is found there… in winning out over others. But what if that thinking is all wrong? What if TRUE happiness is not found in lording authority over others – but instead, is found in living our lives for others? What if choosing to serve others was actually the pathway to true success and lastness greatness -#BecomingMinimalist #RescuedMyselfFirstTheniWentBack4Others #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining _______________________________________ AND IM STILL NOT DONE because I’M AS CRAZY AS IT GETS BRO! NEXT: I’M WALKING ACROSS AMERICA from BROOKLYN TO CALIFORNIA (7 months) to raise awareness of the obesity problem facing America and find SOLUTIONS…. but I need your help. HELP ME HELP YOU (DON’T WORRY! YOUR COUNTRY IS NEXT) ?Link in the bio #AdonisMovesAmerica YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app I KNOW BECAUSE #IBeenThere ….. Twice! It Goes Up In The E-BOOK 3/8 My #FitToFatToFit journey in a NUTELLA! I mean « In A Nut Shell » diets and workouts I used for our WeightLoss

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 3 Mars 2016 à 18h11 PST

#Tbt Adonis… WTF? YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING BRO?!! You gained 70 lbs in 4 months, lost your abs and gained man boobs all for someone @alissabethkane you never met? YEP ?! But wait!!!! … Maybe YOU are the crazy one. Let me explain We are far too easily fooled. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mohandas Gandhi You see, many will try to define success, greatness, and happiness in terms of winning out over others, having power over others, and having the ability to dominate others. The lust for power is common and widespread in humans – the power to order others around, the power to make decisions that will impact others, and the power to own when others cannot. Many see the world in the form of a pyramid with the ones on the bottom serving those on the top. And people long for that top spot because the world promises joy to those who sit there. Success, greatness, and happiness is found there… in winning out over others. But what if that thinking is all wrong? What if TRUE happiness is not found in lording authority over others – but instead, is found in living our lives for others? What if choosing to serve others was actually the pathway to true success and lastness greatness -#BecomingMinimalist #RescuedMyselfFirstTheniWentBack4Others #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining _______________________________________ AND IM STILL NOT DONE because I’M AS CRAZY AS IT GETS BRO! NEXT: I’M WALKING ACROSS AMERICA from BROOKLYN TO CALIFORNIA (7 months) to raise awareness of the obesity problem facing America and find SOLUTIONS…. but I need your help. HELP ME HELP YOU (DON’T WORRY! YOUR COUNTRY IS NEXT) ?Link in the bio #AdonisMovesAmerica YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app I KNOW BECAUSE #IBeenThere ….. Twice! It Goes Up In The E-BOOK 3/8 My #FitToFatToFit journey in a NUTELLA! I mean « In A Nut Shell » diets and workouts I used for our WeightLoss

Une photo publiée par Adonis « No Excuses » Hill (@bodybyadonis) le 3 Mars 2016 à 18h11 PST

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